Much Ado About Something: Old Shakespeare Classics

These two skinny volumes are special. They’re cranberry red, stamped with an eagle and lance crest, and are celebrating their 110th birthday this year! They are The Tempest and Much Ado About Nothing from a set of Shakespeare’s Folio volumes. Like many of my favorite collectible books, these babies have that excellent smell of acidic paper, ink drawings, dainty typesetting, and gold-stamped titles on their spines. I’m a big fan of Art Nouveau and the curly, organic touches in these books are superb!

Besides being copies of Shakespeare’s folio, these lovelies have carefully made notes, scholarly essays, research materials, study guides, and, most importantly, an illustrated glossary (if only they reprinted these volumes for modern classroom use)!

These volumes are different from the rest, however, because they are superb graduations gifts from Mr. Christopher Andrews.

If you talk to Andrews in Spanish, he unwittingly adds Zs to the ends of words

Thank you!

Now if only I can find the rest of ’em……

Color print of Claudio in MAAN